
SEO Traffic: Simple Steps to Increase It

SEO traffic also known as organic traffic, is important because it’s often made up of your target audience.

Published June 30, 2024

Next.js 14 Comes With Interesting Updates

Next.js 14 is released in Next.js Conf bring some interesting updates including Server Actions which now stable. What's else?

Published October 28, 2023

Improve Web Performance Using Facades

Facade is a cloned portion that looks like the actual one but only acts as a placeholder initially.

Published August 20, 2023

My Blog Now Is Using Headless CMS

I've been working to build the blog system using Next.js and here's the steps i took to migrate my blog from Wordpress to Headless CMS which is Storyblok.

Published June 25, 2023

Protect your form against spam bots

Protect your form against the spam bot using captcha

Published June 26, 2022

Web 3.0 and its potential

Web 3.0 is a big potential on the web technology, how so?

Published January 16, 2022

I do a minor redesign to my blog, here's why

Did a minor redesign to my blog, read more about my thinking behind it

Published December 04, 2021

Let's compare JSX with HTML

JSX and HTML are slightly different, read more to choose which one to use on your project

Published September 30, 2021