Why I move my blog from dev.to to wordpress
Posted May 26, 2021

Since I was on high school, I wanted to start writing a blog, I started a blog on blogger platform that just randomly write about anything I could think of and sometimes when I kinda lazy to write I copy the content from other blog (that was bad, don’t do that guys). Sadly my blog didn’t workout so I closed my blogger account. Fast forward to last year, when I started my professional career I’m thinking why didn’t I start to write a blog again but this time instead just copying, I share my career stuffs?
I work in technology industry as a developer and qa (read more about my experience in working as qa here), that’s why I searched a place where developers share their thoughts. Then I found dev.to and start writing there. After months, I feel like that I want to share other topics not just about technology but also about life, finance, productivity, and something else so I can give more value to my reader and have better life together. So I start thinking to move my blog to the most used platform for blogging in the internet, wordpress. There are couple of reasons why I consider this.
To sharing more topics
The main reason why I chose to move my blog to wordpress is that I want to share more topics than just technology or developer related topics. Previously I wrote at dev.to, which is a good place to write a blog for a developer like me since their big community and straightforward user experience. But, dev.to is nothing more than about developer platform where developers write any developer stuffs in there. They talking about how to solve any programming problems, tips & tricks, and any struggles on their work. Which is good, don’t get me wrong. I can say that dev.to is the best platform to share any topic in the developer world.
productivity illustration
But sometimes when I want to share other topics such as share about tips for productivity or finance or something else, I feel like dev.to is not the appropriate place to share those topics. Beside, I never found any post about that topics in dev.to.
Other choices
Actually I have considered wordpress, medium, blogger, even wix in the first place before I choose dev.to. But, all of those platforms didn’t offer a convenient experience with their free plan. Dev.to have straightforward blogging experience, simple create new post page, short url for easy to read and share, lightweight site.
WordPress with its free plan we know all is sucks, long random domain (hard to remember and looks not professional), very limited featured, etc. Medium in the beginning is promising until they start to implement paywall model which ask you to pay first to post or even read other medium articles. Blogger is not very popular and not have a big growth user on internet. People seem to interest more about wordpress than blogger/blogspot.
Now I decided to move to wordpress, I can’t wait to share more topics here. Also considered maybe earn some money from it while still look professional although I have to upgrade to their paid plans, but I think it’s worth it compare to the benefits and opportunities I will get ahead.
Do you write a blog too? Or you like to read articles from some blogs? If yes, please share your experience in the comments below. And if you have a request about what topic you want to discuss, I’m excited to read your thought too. Thank you for reading!